Sverige - Stockholm |
Stadspost |
De Geschiedenis van lokale post, of stadspostdiensten is er een van lang geleden. Ongetwijfeld zal er door hen die hier
serieus op studeren nog veel boven tafel gebracht worden. Helaas hebben de zgn. professionele filatelisten van NVPH en andere
organen en tijdschriften de stadspost nooit serieus genomen. Maar alleen al het feit dat stadspost over de hele wereld bestaat,
en de laatste jaren zich zelfs schijnt uit te breiden wijst er op dat je om het bestaan hiervan niet heen kunt.
Zijn er stadspostdiensten die al heel lang bestaan, of al vele jaren geleden zijn opgeheven, anderen zijn nog jong. Hun
bestaansrecht hangt vooral af van de professionele service die ze bieden. Hoe slechter de service, hoe sneller er een einde
komt aan hun bestaan.
Poststaking 1983 - Postal Strike in Holland
Relipost - The Netherlands |
Christmas Stamp |
In 1983, the Dutch Postal Service went on strike for quite a long time. And suddenly people went to the Local Postal Services
to deliver their mail. Mainly local, but some of the local post services decided to work together and therefore they also
delivered mail in other parts of the country.
Though the services are only allowed to deliver printed matter, which includes postcards, postcards with envelop, commercial
mail, wedding invitations, etc. but no letters, most of these local post services have become actractive. They are cheaper
than the national postal service, started to create their own interesting stamps and fdc's, and sometimes deliver same day.
Others, like Relipost, only deliver during Christmastime. Relipost works nationwide, and is a Private Postal Service originated
in some churches. The money from the stamps is used for the youth groups within these churches.
Relipost - The Netherlands |
Sheet of Christmas Stamps |
Denmark |
Christmas Seal |
Finland |
Christmas Seal |
Estonia |
Christmas Seal |
Sluitzegels - Seals
Most Christmas Seals are
provided by NGO's for the
fight against TB.
Sometimes you pay a little
bit to support the NGO.
Ofcourse, unlike Local
Postage Stamps they
have no value, and are
used to seal the
envelop or decorate it.
Christmas Seals however,
are issued by many
countries around the
world, and worth
Above some examples
of Christmas Seals.
Collecting is fun. Exchanging with someone is even more fun than just buying and selling!
Alles over stadspost en stadspostzegels